Connect your Lightning node

Learn here how to connect your lightning node with your project on Geyser.

Every project creator needs a Lightning wallet to receive funds in their Geyser project. If you don’t have a Lightning wallet yet, you can find instructions here on how to set one up.

Connecting your project to your Lightning node is an option for advanced users. Keep in mind that you are responsible for managing the liquidity of your node. Find out more.

The easiest option to start receiving money is by using a lightning address

Step-by-step guide for a Voltage Node

  1. Type the Node name

  2. select the checkbox this is a Voltage Node

  3. Paste the Hostname or IP address (API endpoint)

  4. then, the Public Key

  5. and finally, the Invoice Macaroon (base64)

For a more in depth guide for how to use Voltage, we suggest you take a look at their Docs

Step-by-step guide for a generic Node

  1. Type the Node name

  2. Paste the Hostname or IP address (API endpoint)

  3. then, the Public Key

  4. the Invoice Macaroon (base64)

  5. the TLS certificate (base64)

  6. and finally, the gRPC port

Support Geyser

Geyser provides you with a platform to showcase and amplify your project. As a node runner, you can voluntarily give some value back to us so we can keep improving our product.

Last updated