Log in

Log in with your accounts to showcase your social proof and background

There are many ways to log in to Geyser. Click the Login button on the top-right of the page. You may choose between:

  • Twitter (X)

  • Nostr

  • Lightning (LNURL-auth)

  • Google

  • Facebook

  • GitHub

We recommend using an account that displays your social reputation. That is likely your most active social media account or the one where you think your followers and the people you follow best represent the communities you want to be associated with.

Trouble connecting with Twitter on mobile?

If you're logging in to Geyser for the first time on mobile and having trouble connecting with Twitter, log in on twitter.com on your mobile browser rather then the Twitter mobile app, then try again.

Associate multiple accounts with your Geyser project

Once you've logged in with your preferred choice from the list above, you can select multiple others among the remaining social profiles to display on your Geyser profile.

Displaying more than one social links on your Geyser profile helps to showcase your social proof and background, which potential funders will be looking for when deciding whether to support your idea

How to connect multiple accounts on Geyser:

  1. Go to your Geyser profile in the top-right of the page

  2. Click on the + Connect your accounts button below your profile summary

  3. Select desired accounts from the remaining options not yet connected to your Geyser profile

You can connect only one account of each social media at a time. For example, If you have a personal Twitter account and a project Twitter account, you will have to choose which one of these to connect to your Geyser profile

Last updated