Fund a Project
If you are logged in, your donations will show your profile and associated social accounts. Alternatively, you can also donate anonymously.
The donations associated with your social media accounts are very useful for other users to discover valuable projects
There are four funding methods explained below, but note that all funding activity, no matter how you choose to contribute to a project, will always be shown on the Geyser project's page (on right hand side of the screen).
Funding methods:
Geyser is not a store, but a way to bring creative projects to life.
Your donation will support a creative project that has yet to be developed. There’s a risk that, despite a creator’s best efforts, your reward will not be fulfilled, and we urge you to consider this risk prior to backing it. Geyser is not responsible for project claims or reward fulfillment. For more information read our Terms and Conditions.
Last updated